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What is peering?

Peering is a term from network technology. It enables ISPs (Internet Service Providers) or network operators to easily exchange data with each other. This data transfer between peering partners is free of charge and offers numerous advantages.

Why should I peer?

The aim of peering is to route traffic between the participating networks more efficiently and to avoid bottlenecks. Through peering connections provided by DD-IX, we enable all participants to route network packets among each other shorter and faster.

Optimal network packet forwarding is an important aspect of building a robust and efficient Internet. Peering with an IXP allows access to content and services provided by other network operators or ISPs without the need to establish many direct peerings among each other.

An IXP also enables better resilience, as traffic can be transmitted even if a link to a particular network fails, as long as there are routes through alternative peering partners.

Peering through an IXP like the DD-IX reduces the need for expensive Internet transit services. Because only the connection are paid for and not the data volume used.

Peering Policy